Meet The Team That Makes It Happen!

John Hagaman


With almost two decades maintaining large scale properties and construction, John brings together experience and a keen eye for a property’s potential. Building Star Outdoor to meet the needs of all their clients, is John’s driving factor.

Julie Bess

VP of Finance

Julie’s precise eye for numbers ensures that your project comes in on time and on budget.

Suzie Allen

Director of Client Services

Building a company culture that fosters communication and support means that we pass those values on to our clients as well. Suzie puts all the cherries on top to ensure that every project and client is treated the best.

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We’re here to help.

Design. Build. Maintain.

We start every project by providing a thorough consultation to understand your vision and ideas. Your satisfaction is our priority and we strive to provide a service you are proud of.

  • Licensed & Insured in the State of Texas
  • Years of Horticultural Experience